It’s often said that the foundation to any good relationship is great communication – but often times, this is easier said than done.

Part of the challenge, is learning to communicate in a way that people will understand, and connect with.
Here at TetraMap, we believe that there is strength in valuing and embracing difference. We are all unique and communicate differently, and so the key to building strong relationships, is to understand those differences, and learn how to communicate (and listen) accordingly.
In this mini course, you will learn:
- why people behave the way that they do – using an easy to understand model.
- how to recognise and describe differences through the use of nature as a metaphor.
- how to respond in ways that increase communication and reduce conflict.
- why appreciating our natural diversity is helpful for everyone.
This knowledge will help to build your understanding and self awareness. Practicing it will help you develop a very important life skill.
It should only take about 15 – 30 minutes to work through all the sections below. Timing depends on how thoroughly you do each activity, especially the reflection activities.
Make your own notes on each section – the more you reflect, the more impact and applications you will find. We have asked many questions in order to help you find many right answers! If you can, take the mini course with a friend or colleague so you can expand your discussions in your own context.